May 2011 Archives

Fedora15 硬盘安装





4.5. Selecting an Installation Method

What type of installation method do you wish to use? The following installation methods are available:

If you have a DVD drive and the Fedora DVD you can use this method. Refer to Section 8.3.1, “Installing from DVD”, for DVD installation instructions.

If you booted the installation from a piece of media other than the
installation DVD, you can specify the DVD as the installation source
with the linux askmethod or linux repo=cdrom:device:/device boot option, or by selecting Local CD/DVD on the Installation Method menu (refer to Section 8.3, “Installation Method”).
CD set

If you have a CD drive and the set of Fedora CDs you can use this method. Refer to Section 8.3.1, “Installing from DVD” for CD installation instructions.

If you booted the installation from a piece of media other than the
set of installation CDs, you can specify the CD as the installation
source with the linux askmethod or linux repo=cdrom:device:/device boot option, or by selecting Local CD/DVD on the Installation Method menu (refer to Section 8.3, “Installation Method”).
Live CD

If you have a CD drive and the Fedora live CD you can use this method. The live CD desktop includes an icon labeled Install to Hard Drive. Refer to Section 8.3.1, “Installing from DVD” for CD installation instructions.
Hard Drive

If you have copied the Fedora ISO images to a local hard drive, you can use this method. You need a boot CD-ROM (use the linux askmethod or linux repo=hd:device:/path boot option), or by selecting Hard drive on the Installation Method menu (refer to Section 8.3, “Installation Method”). Refer to Section 8.3.2, “Installing from a Hard Drive”, for hard drive installation instructions.

If you are installing from an NFS server using ISO images or a
mirror image of Fedora, you can use this method. You need a boot CD-ROM
(use the linux askmethod or linux repo=nfs:server :options:/path boot option, or the NFS directory option on the Installation Method menu described in Section 8.3, “Installation Method”). Refer to Section 8.3.4, “Installing via NFS” for network installation instructions. Note that NFS installations may also be performed in GUI mode.

If you are installing directly from an HTTP (Web) server or FTP server, use this method. You need a boot CD-ROM (use the linux askmethod, linux repo=ftp://user:password@host/path, or linux repo=http://host/path boot option, or the URL option on the Installation Method menu described in Section 8.3, “Installation Method”). Refer to Section 8.3.5, “Installing via FTP or HTTP”, for FTP and HTTP installation instructions.

grub>kernel /vmlinuz linux repo=hd:/dev/sdax:/
grub>kernel /vmlinuz linux askmethod
说明:/dev/sdax 为你的 home 分区的设备位置,从 linux 中的磁盘实用程序中查看

另外,在选择磁盘进行分区的时候,一定记得效验分区,一般选择覆盖原有的linux系统或者选择空闲分区,然后会进行磁盘效验分区,看看是不是默认的分区是否与你的目的一致。一般有个经验,如果有几块磁盘或多个分区,,看磁盘或分区大小,另外可以看磁盘的格式,比如哪个盘是ext2或者ext4,都能帮助定位资料的位置,放置安装覆盖重要的数据资料哟!若不一致,则重置默认分配的分区,自己去选择分区进行挂载,一般这里面也有个经验: :)
(1)/ 根分区
(2)swap 交换分区
(3)/boot 启动分区





    DMA的英文拼写是“Direct Memory Access”(存储器直接访问)。这是指一种高速的数据传输操作,允许在外部设备和存储器之间直接读写数据,既不通过CPU,也不需要CPU干预。整个数 据传输操作在一个称为"DMA控制器"的控制下进行的。CPU除了在数据传输开始和结束时做一点处理外,在传输过程中CPU可以进行其他的工作。这样,在 大部分时间里,CPU和输入输出都处于并行操作。因此,使整个计算机系统的效率大大提高。

      PIO的英文拼写是“Programming Input/Output Model”,PIO模式是一种通过CPU执行I/O端口指令来进行数据的读写的数据交换模式。是最早先的硬盘数据传输模式,数据传输速率低下,CPU占 有率也很高,大量传输数据时会因为占用过多的CPU资源而导致系统停顿,无法进行其它的操作。PIO数据传输模式又分为PIO mode 0、PIO mode 1、PIO mode 2、PIO mode 3、PIO mode 4几种模式,数据传输速率从3.3MB/s到16.6MB/s不等。受限于传输速率低下和极高的CPU占有率,这种数据传输模式很快就被淘汰。

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